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Think of me as your rooftop's best friend. I'm happy to contribute to the success of your deck project in whatever way is most practical and helpful to you. This ranges from basic education about pedestal deck systems and material options to providing technical solutions for tricky circumstances specific to your rooftop. Every inquiry and question is welcome.


Any documentation you have – architectural plans, simple back-of-the-napkin drawings, photos, measurements – is useful in dialing in the details I need to be most helpful. You're welcome to upload any items via this website or via email. I communicate by phone, video conferencing, email and text. Depending on location and timing, I may be available to travel for more detailed on-site construction coaching. 


Sometime you just need someone to talk to! A little hand-holding can go a long way toward making smart decisions, avoiding costly mistakes, and keeping a project moving forward. I'm available by appointment for technical and design consultation – usually best done by video conference.


My work typically begins with a complimentary 20 minute phone consultation during which we discuss your project and how I can best support it. Customers then submit project details along with their goals and preferences. Drawings, measurements and photos of the rooftop environment are invaluable, of course. Any and all questions are welcome and I have lots of guidance and resources to share. 



There are numerous aesthetic design options for rooftop decking material, along with considerations about performance, ease of installation, and pricing. Issues of sourcing and delivery must also be considered in the selection of materials. Accurate material calculations are critical to the smooth construction of the deck.

Immersed in such details, I make sure you're asking all the right questions and provide straight-forward, reliable answers. I help simplify complex considerations into easy, practical decisions. 


My material calculations are accurate and complete ensure you're ordering all the materials and supplies necessary for an efficient deck installation. 


To help ensure that a deck installation is performed properly and efficiently, a builder or construction crew may benefit from my direct instruction and coaching. Be it for a brief show-and-tell tutorial or for multiple days of on-site coaching, I'm able to tailor my instruction and guidance to my customers' needs. 


Being bi-lingual, I can be especially helpful in supporting Spanish-speaking construction crews. 


For jobs in the Seattle region, I can visit the job site. Video conferencing and phone allow me to work with builders in any location. Sometimes I'm able to travel for more distant on-site coaching. 




Rooftop decks are increasingly incorporated into the new construction of schools, multi-family and mixed use buildings, office towers, stadiums, restaurants, hospitals — in every structure that invites people to gather outside. The deck is often just one element among a wide assortment of other materials, structures, utilities and amenities on the rooftop – and complications can ensue.


Because of larger deck dimensions and the need to employ work crews efficiently, any mistakes and work delays on commercial projects can be especially costly. My knowledge and coaching helps good builders to perform great work in a smooth, step-by-step fashion from start-to-finish. 


Much of my work is performed remotely by phone, video chat and email. I don't need to be on your rooftop to contribute greatly to the success of your project. But I'll want to see photos and plans and we'll need to communicate about aplenty.


So I serve customers in any location – even outside the country. 


If you need me to be on your job site – be it for a day or a week – I may be available for such travel. Let's talk through your needs by phone.


Roof decks on single family residences are where I see the most common need for assistance. Builders and homeowners looking for a local installer simply have nobody to call in most parts of the country. That's because very few companies specialize in pedestal decking. Those that do, are focused mostly on large-scale commercial projects. The work of building the deck therefore falls to whoever is available and willing to take it on. 


That's absolutely fine — so long as the builder takes the time to learn how to build the deck properly. That's where I can help a great deal.  


If you're a contractor or a homeowner in this situation, let's talk.


Having lived and worked six years in Mexico and Central America, I'm familiar with both the language and culture of the Latino workers who do much of the work on our rooftops across the country. Be it by phone, video chat or in-person, I'm very happy to communicate with and educate or coach Latino installers en puro español.


Hablemos, no?


Due to my close proximity, I'm usually able to do in-person visits to job sites in the Seattle region.


This work can range from taking measurements and planning layouts to training and coaching an installation crew from start-to-finish.


Schedule permitting, I may be available to make repairs or tune ups on an existing deck in the area.











Sometimes a pedestal deck is like a jigsaw puzzle that's missing some key pieces. Pedestals alone are simply insufficient for many situations encountered on a rooftop. Other materials and creative methods are needed to complete a quality deck. That's when the work gets interesting. 


Truly, when you run into obstacles, send me some photos and let's talk!

Andrew Klein, engineer  â€“ Kennewick, WA

"Tobin’s attention to detail ensured that we had the right materials and tools

on the jobsite, and his precision ensured that I have a solid deck that will not shift. Working with Tobin gave me an appreciation of the intricacies in construction which are not obvious to the average contractor who does not specialize in floating deck systems. My deck pays dividends daily by being a well-constructed piece of art."

Rooftop decks in Seattle


Let's Talk

Please complete this form to schedule a complimentary 20 minute consult. I'll look over your project details, then reach out via email or phone to schedule a time for us to talk by video chat or phone.

Hablemos, no?

Por favor complete este formulario para programar una consulta gratuita de 20 minutos. Luego me comunicaré por correo electrónico o teléfono para programar una hora para que hablemos por video chat o teléfono.

Upload project plans, drawings, photos

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Rooftop decks in Boise
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