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To make sure the deck is built right

Building a roof deck is a unique form of construction. Even though the how-to videos found on Youtube make it look simple, countless builders have struggled mightily through their first pedestal deck installation. No question, it's work best done by a contractor specializing in pedestal work. Trouble is, in most regions of the country, there's simply no one to call. 


I ran my own small company (Seattle Roof Decks, LLC) and had almost no competition for residential deck jobs. And that was in a city where roof decks have been integral to most residential design for at least a decade prior – and in which there are a dozen companies competing for the commercial jobs. In newer roof decks markets, there is simply no one to call for smaller deck jobs.


On commercial jobs, the deck project commonly falls to the roofer, hardscape installer or landscape contractor. Hopefully, there's at least one individual on the construction crew who has previously installed a pedestal deck. Even so – more often than not – there's no one on-site who knows how to install the deck really well. The resulting flaws usually aren't hard to find in the finished deck surface. 


Many of my customers are highly skilled craftsmen (and women) and experts in their trades. Therefore, I ask questions. Then I listen. When I make suggestions, I then listen to theirs. When we come upon problematic situations, I pose ideas and we discuss the pros/cons of potential solutions. I serve more as an advisor than as a supervisor. I share my own experience and methods, what I've seen others do, and the innovative solutions that wake me up at 4AM.


As craftsmen, we think a lot 

about our craft. Putting our heads

together around complex problems, 

we may come up with better solutions.

As partners — better together.


Working remotely by computer and phone, I can do a lot to educate deck installers and provide step-by-step guidance for a high quality, efficient deck construction. Combining some show-and-tell with photos and drawings is great means of communicating construction principles and the basics of how a deck is built. A PowerPoint presentation may be helpful when presenting to a group of installers. 


The bulk of my coaching focuses on the specific materials, measurements and rooftop conditions of your project. Photos, video, drawings and project plans are the materials I work with. Live video feed from the rooftop helps me identify challenges and solutions.


Depending on location and our respective schedules, I can be available for in-person visits to your job site. The scope and duration of my on-site coaching varies according to a customer's need, level of building competency, and the complexity of the project.


I can provide periodic support from start-to-finish of the project. Or I might just make a brief visit to troubleshoot and resolve a particular difficulty. Or I might spend multiple days on-site as a temporary foreman to train and supervise a construction crew. 


Whether working on-site or remotely, the value of my technical support is determined largely by the level of attentiveness of the deck builder(s).

Bueno, prefiero el español

Vivíendo por cinco años en México y uno en Nicaragua, tengo algún conocimiento de la cultura e idioma de aquellos trabajadores quienes hacen una gran parte del trabajo en los techos de nuestras casas y edificios. Todo el trabajo que hago en inglés, también lo puedo hacer en español. Y, de verdad, disfruto más comunicarme en español que en inglés. 

Building quality pedestal decks in Seattle


How to build a rooftop deck
Engineering slope for proper drainage on a low-slope roof in Seattle
Good deck design conforms to natural surroundings
Construction coaching for rooftop decks across ID, WA, OR, UT, NV


Let's Talk

Please complete this form to schedule a complimentary 20 minute consult. I'll look over your project details, then reach out via email or phone to schedule a time for us to talk by video chat or phone.

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Por favor complete este formulario para programar una consulta gratuita de 20 minutos. Luego me comunicaré por correo electrónico o teléfono para programar una hora para que hablemos por video chat o teléfono.

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Rooftop decks supply in Spokane, WA
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